From a Mother's Heart: Part 1


What’s your favorite memory of your mom?  

My mother instilled in all 5 of her children that family comes first.  You do whatever it takes to be there for each other and always stay close.  She has been with the Lord for 4 years now and we siblings are closer now than ever. 

What’s your favorite memory of your mom?  

When we were very young my brothers and sisters and I would spend winter days outside sledding and snowball fighting with Dad.  Soaked to the skin, we would take off all our wet layers of clothing in the cellar and head upstairs to find Mom making us hot cocoa on the stove.  I can see her to this day!

What do you want to impart to your Seamark children?

I would like to instill family values in each girl that comes to our Girls’ Home.  Most of these girls have never sat around a dinner table, eating and sharing their day.  Talking one-on-one with each girl is also very important to me.  When their time comes to depart Seamark I want them to be able to say “Mrs. Nancy showed me what a loving, Godly Mom should be.  And I want to be that for my own children one day.”

What has been your biggest challenge as a Housemom?

When a girl just doesn’t want to let go of her old, destructive ways and surrender her life to the Lord.  God has such a better life waiting for her through Jesus Christ and Seamark Ranch.  

Do you have a “Mom story” you would like to share?

Three of our older girls attended a Youth Discipleship Camp over a weekend at our church. One of the girls suffers from abandonment issues and just “knew” we would be gone when she returned.  When I came to pick up the girls at the end of the weekend they saw me across the parking lot.  Their faces lit up and they came running to meet me, yelling my name and hugging my neck so hard it actually hurt.  But it was the best “hurt” – one I will always treasure.

Season of Prayer 2017

Won't you join us in Celebrating 10 Years of Home and Family during our Season of Prayer and help us move forward with Building Dreams for the Future.  Please join us in praying daily for Seamark Ranch between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, May 14 – June 18.  We give thanks for each of the precious young lives being transformed by God’s grace over the past 10 years and we pray for more children to find a loving home at Seamark Ranch.  With that in mind, pray for God to build and grow our Seamark homes and programs.  

Second, please consider making a special gift to Seamark Ranch to remember or honor your loved ones during this special season.  Return your gifts in the enclosed envelope and indicate your tribute information, visit our website at or call our office at (904) 288-8885 with credit card information.  We will send a card to your recipient to let them know of your tribute.  Through your prayers and your gifts you can make a lasting difference in the life of a Seamark Ranch child.

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