From a Mother's Heart: Part 2


What’s your favorite memory of your mom?  

My mother taught me to love unconditionally, to be forgiving and to always love my family no matter the circumstance in life. She has been an incredibly faithful mother as well as a faithful daughter to her mother. I’ve always admired the way she took care of her mother and that has made me understand my role as both mother and daughter. 

What’s your favorite memory of your mom?  

When I was a child I was in and out of the hospital a lot and my mom never left my side. 

What do you want to impart to your Seamark children?

I want them to understand forgiveness through the eyes of God. I want them to learn to forgive each other and those people in their lives that have hurt them in the same way that God has forgiven us for the terrible things that we have done. I also want them to know that it’s ok to be a kid again. I want them to know that even though their life is different than other kids their age because they are here at Seamark, it does not mean they deserve any less in life. I want them to see Seamark as part of the plans and promises God has for them.

What has been your biggest challenge as a Housemom?

Both the challenge and the blessing of not having raised my own children. While I have learned a lot about being a mother from many of the wonderful mothers that are part of the Seamark family, God has also given me great peace and wisdom in being able to raise my Seamark children. I want to see immediate changes take place in our children’s lives and am learning to be patient and trust God when those changes haven’t happened as quickly as I prayed they would.

Do you have a “Mom story” you would like to share?

The Boys’ Home held a family photo-scavenger hunt! Chris took one team in a golf cart and I took one team in my golf cart and we raced around the property taking photos of items we found on our scavenger hunt list. The boys became incredibly competitive and it made for lots of laughs. 

And of course I love the time I can spend with the kids at the barn, riding horses, and helping prepare for horse shows. Horses helped change my life. I want to help the kids have their lives changed by horses, too.


Season of Prayer 2017

Won't you join us in Celebrating 10 Years of Home and Family during our Season of Prayer and help us move forward with Building Dreams for the Future.  Please join us in praying daily for Seamark Ranch between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, May 14 – June 18.  We give thanks for each of the precious young lives being transformed by God’s grace over the past 10 years and we pray for more children to find a loving home at Seamark Ranch.  With that in mind, pray for God to build and grow our Seamark homes and programs.  

Second, please consider making a special gift to Seamark Ranch to remember or honor your loved ones during this special season.  Return your gifts in the enclosed envelope and indicate your tribute information, visit our website at or call our office at (904) 288-8885 with credit card information.  We will send a card to your recipient to let them know of your tribute.  Through your prayers and your gifts you can make a lasting difference in the life of a Seamark Ranch child.

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